Blog Post

T-SQL Tuesday Live–31 Mar 2020


I’m hosting another live T-SQL Tuesday event tomorrow, which is really just a casual video meeting for anyone that wants to join and take a break from work, life, or anything else.

In this time of difficulty, I think this is a great coping mechanism that might help you keep in touch with the community. I know it’s certainly good for my mental health.

This week the theme is: Securely connecting

Most of us are remote now, and we’re often at home. This can prevent some challenges. Networking aside, security is still a concern. What you are doing? Jump boxes, rdp to servers or your desktop at work or something else?

We’ll start with this theme, but we’ll see where the conversation goes. We’ll also do a health check with people, talk about anything good that’s happened?

I’ll use Zoom with this meeting URL: Removed (see the most recent post for the URL)

The date: Tuesday, March 24, 2020, and time:

  • 13:00MDT
  • 15:00EDT
  • 19:00UTC

Just an hour. Jump on, say hi, give us your thoughts, problems, or just listen.

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