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T-SQL Tuesday #173–The AI Job Helper


tsqltuesdayThis month I had a new host, Pinal Dave. I was surprised to see he hadn’t hosted, but I didn’t see him in the list. His invite is interesting, as AI has been on his mind. I pinged him after listening to him on a webinar, and his invite reflects the topic: Has AI Helped with Your SQL Server Job?

It seems that our topics stray a bit further from core SQL topics as the world becomes more complex, and honestly, as more and more of us do things beyond just managing a server.

In any case, that’s the topic, and if you want to host, ping me.

AI Assistance

Has AI helped me? I don’t do a lot of SQL Server work, but I continue to learn about the platform and I do find myself writing code or helping customers find ways to build database software. I also started a short series on AI stuff as I experiment with tools and techniques.

In general, I don’t find Copilot or ChatGPT (or other tools) that helpful with SQL Server. I think I haven’t spent enough time, but honestly, I struggle to create prompts and work with things. However, I know there is something. If you watch Pinal’s webinar, AI isn’t perfect, but it’s like a coworker making some suggestions of things you might not have thought of.

Where I have found it useful is doing a question of an AI, often in Bing/Edge chat, and using that as a first search engine for what I want to look for rather than getting a list of results and clicking through them. In that sense, it’s saved some time.

However, I know I still need to evaluate what comes back and make an informed decision if the suggestion or code will actually work.

And of course, I need to test it.

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