Blog Post

T-SQL Tuesday #156 - Wrap Up



Thank you everyone for participating! There is a total of 15 submissions and thanks to them, I’ve widened my perspective.

The order of the posts is chosen at random.

Greg Moore


Greg has a shortlist of best practices he wants to have in a production code. I especially liked the one about alerting being actionable.

Aaron Bertrand


Aaron has a list of 5 examples with both the bad and good alternatives. I’m in complete agreement, and I will fail any code review that uses shorthand dateparts.

Olivier Van Steenlandt


Olivier has a practical checklist of steps he takes to make the code production worthy. Having a checklist is great, so you don’t accidentally forget something.

Kenneth Fisher


Kenneth’s answer is in a true DBA fashion: It depends. Read on to find out which criteria affect the answer.

Deepthi Goguri


Deepthi has a list of several tips for you. Many of those points relate to the readability of the code, which is extremely important.

Damien Jones


Damien went all out and used three different programming languages. Each example has a different scenario, problem and resolution.

Ajay Dwivedi


Ajay has a list of practices and other SOLID advice - from naming conventions to testing and tools used to build the project.

David Wiseman


I agree with everything on David’s list. I love the points about which things specifically prevent the code from being production-grade.

Josh Darnell


Josh invites you to think about scalability and maintenance, among other things. Each task can have different criteria based on how vital it is.

Deborah Melkin


Deborah warns us that there is nothing more permanent than temporary code. Therefore, you should have some level of standards and require it for all the code.

Kevin Chant


I like to have fun during work, but I agree with Kevin that there are better mediums for jokes than code comments.

Chad Callihan


Chad doesn’t let “perfect” be the enemy of “good” but still has a list of several quality gate requirements.

Andy Yun


Andy requires all code to be tested. But there are exceptions to every rule when the Production is at stake.

Rob Farley


I caught Rob by surprise with this invitation. But, of course, “production-grade” can mean different things to different people. Still, Rob has some advice on where to look for inspiration.

Tom Zíka


My submission is about the importance of testing. But I wrote the post on the last day of the deadline and had to publish a minimal viable blog post. So that’s an unintended meta-commentary on the production code.

Thank you for reading.

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