Blog Post

T-SQL Tuesday #124–Query Store in Action


tsqltuesdayToday is T-SQL Tuesday #124 and I’m dropping a quick post as I’ve had lots of other stuff to do since returning from my sabbatical. Tracy Boggiano is the host this time and she asks about Query  Store.

A Quick Review

I don’t use Query Store (QDS) much. I don’t have to deal with the production operations much, and really, I’m not supposed to worry about the SSC servers. We sometimes have bad plans and bad code, but it doesn’t affect the performance of the servers overall (we’re over provisioned) and we use SQLServerCentral as part of our SQL Monitor demo site, so we want some bad stuff showing up.

5129kPl5kCLGrant wrote a book, SQL Server Query Store in Action, that is on the Kindle Unlimited list. Since I subscribe, I grabbed this last year and dug in on a few airplane flights to see if I’d missed anything about how the QDS works.

It’s a good intro look at what the QDS is, how it works, and how you can get information out of it. Grant does a good job of digging into the DMVs and helping you to understand what happens outside of the SSMS GUI.

Grant and our host, Tracy, have another Query Store book that goes into more detail ( and it more recent) if you want to learn more.

Overall, this is a good basic look at QDS. If you want to get started, and subscribe to Kindle Unlimited, give this a look.

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