The SysInternals licensing has been updated on the SysInternals website.
The new licensing is something you'll want to take a look at if you use
these tools. There is a change with respect to "embedding" a
SysInternals tool within another program, script, etc. You can find the
new licensing agreement here:
The portion that is catching everyone's attention is the following:
A commercial license is required to use the software in any way not covered above, including for example:
- Redistributing the software in any manner, including by computer media, a file server, an email attachment, etc.
- Embedding the software in or linking it to another program
including internal applications, scripts, batch files, etc.
- Use of the software for technical support on customer computers
The way I read this, if you use a script which calls a SysInternals
product, you now need a commercial license. If that's the case, then
something like the example given by Operations would need just such a commercial license.