Blog Post

SSSOLV November 2011 Meeting


Another month, another meeting.  Time really is flying.  And now with more Holidays fast approaching, I am sure that time will warp on us.

The Las Vegas user group is happy to announce that we have a new topic and new presenter (new to us anyway) for the month of November.  Norm Kelm is prepared to teach us a few things about his new hammer.


You’ve seen all the amazing scripts that use PowerShell, but writing your own is raising more questions. This session will help fill in the gaps by explaining all the moving parts of PowerShell 2.0, the integration with SQL Server and answer the following questions as well as others. Why is Invoke-Sqlcmd necessary? What is and why is there a Minishell for SQL Server? What makes the SQLSERVER: PS Drive so powerful? How does a remote SQL Server get added to the SQLSERVER: PS Drive?

Norms Bio

Norman Kelm is the owner of Gerasus Software,, the maker of SSIS-DTS Package Search the only utility that can search SSIS and DTS packages. Norman has been working in IT for over 20 years. He worked as a FORTRAN and C developer for 8 years before making the jump to databases with Sybase. He then moved on to SQL Server working as a production and development DBA on SQL Server since version 6.5. He is also a founding member of the Tampa Bay SQL Server User Group.

We welcome all to attend (as we do every month).  Here is the online meeting information:

LiveMeeting Information:

Attendee URL:

Meeting ID: 2JK8TZ

In Person Attendees:

The meeting location has changed.  We will no longer be meeting at The Learning Center.  New meeting location is M Staff Solutions & Training / 2620 Regatta Drive Suite 102 Las Vegas, NV 89128.

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