Today, on, SSIS Package Credentials, is the featured article on the site.
I originally drafted this article as a blog post, and then decided it would be better published as an article. I believe many of us DBA's have come across the issue before, and therefore a wider audience could benefit from this information. The problem lies in knowing the differences between scheduling a package/job to run in 2000, as compared to the more secure SQL Server 2005/2008. In SQL 2005, a much more complex security model, makes the everyday scheduling of a package or job a bit less straightforward than a few clicks of the mouse. For the typical production DBA, this could be a major headache, as my hypothetical story shows. So, armed with the knowledge I present in my article, hopefully will make the task more streamlined.
SSC leadin: "What do you do when you run an SSIS package and it works, but it fails when scheduled? You might have a credential problem. Robert Pearl brings us a solution to a cryptic message that prevents you from scheduling a package."
Please read on here: SSIS Package Credentials
So, as we approach the end of 2009, many IT departments often have excess budget already allocated for the year, and will be lost for the department, and so, the boss may give the green light to go "nuts" - Training, software, books, etc. Otherwise known as "burn budget"
One smart purchase and investment with great ROI, could be the acquisition of a monitoring and alert system. Why not recommend to the boss, our award-winning monitoring solution SQLCentric? (Now supports SQL Server 2008!). If your company makes the committment to buy prior Jan 1, 2010, you will receive an additional 10% discount, if you mention the code "credentials".
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