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SQLSaturday#59 Speaker Interview #13 – with Mark Kromer


SQLSaturday #59 Speaker Interview #13 – with Mark Kromer

Today, coming in from Philadelphia, PA, we are talking with Mark Kromer, who is Product Manager, Consultant and Technology Specialist at Microsoft.  Mark is an internationally recognized leader in the business intelligence and database communities, having authored articles and blogs for TDWI, Microsoft, MSDN and TechNet.  He has over 16 years experience in IT focusing on database technologies and solutions, including spending the past few years with Microsoft as the lead product manager for business intelligence customer solutions. 

As Mark is focused on customer SQL Server data solutions, we should gain much knowledge and insight on building these BI dashboards!

RP:  Please tell us a little about yourself, your background, your career and your involvement in the SQL Community.

MK: I have been in IT for over 16 years as a developer, system administrator and DBA with many different technologies including Oracle, Microsoft and LAMP. Currently, I am a SQL Server Data Platform technology specialist for Microsoft in the east region and have previously been a database and BI product manager for Oracle as well. I work with the SQL Server community through regional user groups, .NET user groups and I write for, SQL Server Magazine blogs and B-Eye Blogs.


RP: Tell us what your area of expertise is, and what that means in helping your customers.

MK: I am Microsoft Technology Specialist for SQL Server. That means that I am responsible for helping customers to understand all areas of SQL Server and how to best utilize all SQL Server capabilities to benefit their business, from OLTP databases to data warehouses to BI.


RP: What advice would you give your fellow colleagues who are trying to become more senior professionals?

MK: Go to SQL Saturday, Code Camp, PASS, training and go & try SQL Server features with the evaluation or developer editions., MSDN & TechNet have LOTS of free hands-on labs and webcasts.


RP: As I see the question all the time, what do you tell folks who want to get more involved in the SQL Community?

MK: Register on SQL PASS and look for SQL professionals on Twitter & LinkedIn


RP: What are 3 of your favorite features in SQL Server 2008/R2?

MK: Policy-based management, UCP and PowerPivot

RP: What are you working on currently?  (Projects, Books/Articles, Speaking circuit, etc.)

MK: Starting new SQL Mag BI Blog series on SQL Server Analysis Services for SQL DBA series.

RP: Yes, we have recently seen your work on SQL Server Magazine’s blog, in which you talk about Lighting Up your BI Dashboards, which serves as the interesting topic you’ll be bringing us at SQLSaturday#59.

Give us a preview of the topic and session you have planned for us at SQLSaturday#59

MK: I am going to pick 3 data visualization techniques used to make compelling Microsoft BI dashboards: Bing Maps with Codeplex Data Connector, Mobile BI and PowerPivot.

RP: What are some of your other interests, hobbies, etc. when you’re not being a DBA/Engineer/BI professional?

MK: Teaching databases & BI to my kids & my wife.

      RP:  Wow, do they like it?  Can your kids actually build an OLAP cube.

                  MK: No, but they came close to solving a Rubik’s Cube. [added]

RP: What are you looking forward to, or, what excites you the most about presenting at our SQLSaturday event in the capital of the world, NYC?

MK: Getting to know the NY SQL Server community on a more intimate basis.

      Thank you Mark, for your time and appreciate your answers! 

      Tomorrow we’ll bring you another great speaker interview, in anticipation of the upcoming Halloween weekend!  Hint: Don’t be too scared 😛




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