Blog Post

SQLSaturday#200 PA Event Update!


With less

than two weeks to go until SQLSaturday#200 at 45

Liberty Blvd., Suite 210 Malvern, PA 19355, Malvern, PA, 19355 they're still

trying to get the news out to as many people as possible. (June 1, 2013) So,

please let all your friends and colleagues that might be interested know.


is a training event for SQL Server professionals and those wanting to learn

about SQL Server. The Philadelphia SQL Server User's Group is extremely proud

to be presenting SQL Saturday #200.

Although, currently

waitlisted, don’t despair, there is a high percentage of cancellations in the

last week, so stay tuned to your email the week before SQL Saturday.  You can still REGISTER

by clicking on the hyperlink. 

Now, let me

take a moment to thank the wonderful sponsors of this event,

and let you know on behalf of my brothers in Philly, SQLSaturday #200 is looking for another silver or gold level

sponsor to complete this amazing event! 

So, vendors looking to show off in front of hundreds of SQL Server

professionals, it’s not too late to sign up!  Come on, this is the City of Brotherly Love!  (Well, a little outside of Philly.)

Let me tell

you, as someone who has attended and presented in PA, these guys put

together a really nice and excellent event. 

You won’t be disappointed!  Just

look at the lineup of speakers below, and you’ll know that quality learning is

full steam ahead.  Make sure you take “liberty”

of this FREE training event.

SQLSaturday #200

brings you several terrific topics across multiple tracks of SQL Server

including, BI, DBA, Development and Professional Development.

Here's the

updated schedule of presentations:


TitleSpeakerBI 07:30 AM Registrations SQLSaturday 200

BI 08:30 AM

Business Analytics Kevin Bucher

BI 9:45 AM

Making Predictions with Microsoft Data Mining Tools Mark Hudson

BI 11:00 AM

Introduction to Spatial Data in SQL Server Dominic Falso

BI 12:00 PM

High Performance SANLess Clustering Dave Bermingham and Eric Schwartz

BI 01:30 PM

Exploring your Data with Power View Jessica Moss

BI 02:45 PM

Analysis Services - Multidimensional vs. PowerPivot vs. Tabular/BISM A.J. Mee

BI 04:00 PM

M2M Relationships in SSAS Tabular and PowerPivot Craig Collier

BI 05:00 PM

Raffle SQLSaturday 200

BI/Dev 07:30

AM Registrations SQLSaturday 200

BI/Dev 08:30

AM Enterprise Information Management Using SQL Server 2012 Donald Scott

BI/Dev 9:45

AM Self Service BI using Office 2013 and SQL 2012 Akesh Gupta

BI/Dev 11:00

AM Recovery and Backup for Beginners Mike Hillwig 

BI/Dev 12:00

PM Lunch Break SQLSaturday 200

BI/Dev 01:30

PM Building a Reusable ETL Framework using SSIS 2012 Ravi Gudlavalleti 

BI/Dev 02:45

PM Upgrading to SSIS 2012 Paul Rizza

BI/Dev 04:00

PM ABCs of CDC with SSIS 2012 Steven Wake

BI/Dev 05:00

PM Raffle SQLSaturday 200

DBA I 07:30

AM Registrations SQLSaturday 200

DBA I 08:30

AM Automating in the Cloud Matt Velic

DBA I 9:45 AM

Virtualizing SQL 2012: Doing IT Right Michael Corey

DBA I 11:00

AM Searching Binary Data in SQL Server 2012 Steve Jones

DBA I 12:00

PM Lunch Break SQLSaturday 200

DBA I 01:30

PM HealthySQL Robert Pearl

DBA I 02:45

PM Move Your On Premise Database to a Windows Azure SQL Database and Setup Data

Sync Charles Rivel

DBA I 04:00

PM A Walk Around the SQL Server 2012 Audit Feature Timothy McAliley

DBA I 05:00

PM Raffle SQLSaturday 200

DBA II 07:30

AM Registrations SQLSaturday 200

DBA II 08:30

AM “Indexing” Encrypted Data Christopher Bell

DBA II 9:45

AM Using Compression to Improve Database Performance Joseph D'Antoni

DBA II 11:00

AM AlwaysOn - Finally, A usable 'mirror'! Jim Murphy

DBA II 12:00

PM Lunch Break SQLSaturday 200

DBA II 01:30

PM What the VLF?  Mike Hillwig

DBA II 02:45

PM SQL 2012 Extended Events Jason Brimhall

DBA II 04:00

PM SQL Server 2012 AlwaysOn Step-by-Step David Bermingham

DBA II 05:00

PM Raffle SQLSaturday 200

Dev 07:30 AM

Registrations SQLSaturday 200

Dev 08:30 AM

Using SQL Server for the Model in MVC Bill Wolff

Dev 9:45 AM

Windowing Functions in SQL Server 2012 Wayne Sheffield

Dev 11:00 AM

T-SQL for Application Developers - Attendees chose Kevin Goff

Dev 12:00 PM

Lunch Break SQLSaturday 200

Dev 01:30 PM

Automate SSIS Development for Loading a Data Warehouse Samuel Vanga

Dev 02:45 PM

Common TSQL Mistakes Kevin Boles

Dev 04:00 PM

Learn RegEx In TSQL & Kick as{2}|a+ Joshua Lynn

Dev 05:00 PM

Raffle SQLSaturday 200


07:30 AM Registrations SQLSaturday 200


08:30 AM Building Datamarts with SQL Server 2012 Mark Scott

Dev/Misc 9:45

AM Loading a Partitioned Fact Table using SSIS 2012. Darryll Petrancuri


11:00 AM Loading a Partitioned Fact Table using SSIS 2012 (Continuation)

Darryll Petrancuri


12:00 PM Lunch Break SQLSaturday 200

Dev/Misc 01:30

PM Top Query Optimizer Topics for Better Performance Benjamin Nevarez


02:45 PM Table Vars & Temp Tables - What you NEED to Know! Wayne Sheffield


04:00 PM Transaction Log Deep Dive Kevin Boles


05:00 PM Lunch Break SQLSaturday 200


07:30 AM Registrations SQLSaturday 200


08:30 AM Extend Your Knowledge with Extended Events! Janis Griffin


9:45 AM Dive into the Query Optimizer-Undocumented Insight Benjamin Nevarez


11:00 AM My SQL Server is Not Slow for Pete's Sake! - Server Side Performance

Analysis  Hope Foley


12:00 PM Registrations SQLSaturday 200


01:30 PM Partitioning for Perf & Management of Large Tables Eddie Wuerch


02:45 PM 15 aspects of SQL Server indexes that you might not know Sebastian



04:00 PM Easy Database Refactoring with SQL Server Database Mark Wojciechowicz


05:00 PM Raffle SQLSaturday 200

Prof Dev/Misc

07:30 AM Registrations SQLSaturday 200

Prof Dev/Misc

08:30 AM Building Your Professional Development Plan Andy Warren

Prof Dev/Misc

9:45 AM Awesome coaching questions every geek, analyst, leader, and consultant

must know. Brian Moran

Prof Dev/Misc

11:00 AM Data Career Paths and Decision Making Strategies Melissa Demsak

Prof Dev/Misc

12:00 PM Lunch Break SQLSaturday 200

Prof Dev/Misc

01:30 PM Big Data & Microsoft SQL Server in the Real World Mark Kromer

Prof Dev/Misc

02:45 PM All about NoSQL databases !! Muthu Ramanathan

Prof Dev/Misc

04:00 PM Goodbye Next Next Next, Hello Automated Installs Brian Davis

Prof Dev/Misc

05:00 PM Raffle SQLSaturday 200


Session 11:00 AM Accelerating Microsoft SQL Databases & Critical

Applications with Fusion-io Eric Schwartz


For more

information please visit their event page at or

email them with any questions at

If you

previously registered and are now unable to attend, please update your

registration status.  Give an eager

learner on the waitlist a chance to get in!

Look forward

to seeing you all there, June 1, 2013!

You can

follow all the latest updates and news on the lead-up to the event with twitter

hash tag #sqlsaturday200.  Wow!  The 200th sqlsaturday honor goes

to the boys of PA!

You can follow

me too on twitter @Pearlknows

or visit my website


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