Blog Post

SQLSaturday #85 - Orlando, Florida - September 24, 2011


Fortunately, SQLSaturday#85 stands in a class by itself - it's the only SQLSaturday scheduled this upcoming weekend in sunny Orlando, Florida.

Home to Disney World, I'm certain that many folks are taking advantage and making this a super sql saturday vacation for Lunching, Learning, and giving the kids a blast!  (M-I-C...K-E-Y). 

They have a fantastic roster of sponsors for this event, and Pearl Knowledge Solutions, is proud to be one of them!  There will be chances to win great prizes, including, FREE monitoring licenses for our core product SQLCentric!

Karla Landrum, (blog), aka KarlaKay22, PASS HQ Team, Community Evangelist, and self-proclaimed pollinator of everything SQL,  is working hard to bring this awesome event to fruition, and all indications are that it will be a great success!  Also, Shawn McGehee, aka SQLShawn, is also involved to make sure everything is in order and runs smoothly!  Usually coordinators are a bit nervous, how it will be pulled off, but Karla is a consummate professional and has done this before.  Plus, she has a great team of volunteers behind her.  (I won't say nothing to worry about - b/c that could, oh nevermind πŸ™‚

It is also great to have in the house, or should I say the magic kingdom, the man who started it all, co-founder of the SQLSaturday Sensation, one Mr. Andy Warren, (blog), aka sqlandy, who will be giving his presentation on Building a Professional Development Plan.   Another notable to mention, the one and only Buck Woody, (blog | twitter) from Microsoft will be on hand to present From Ground to Cloud for Databases,  (See below for details on his precon)

We will see SQLSaturday staples and superstars too numerous to mention!  Indeed, all the attendees are in for a treat, as they have an action packed sensational speaker schedule lined up for y'all.

There will be multiple tracks at varying levels for everyone of all sql server stripes - DBA, BI, SSIS, Performance, Professional Development, and more!

For the what, why, when, where and how, get the official details, by visiting the SQLSaturday#85 Event Home Page

BUT....Before all the Saturday fun begins, there will be two exciting PreCons going on by some well-known SQL Community folk, and this takes place TOMORROW, Friday, September 23, 2011 

Pre-Con 1 - Buck Woody (Microsoft) - SQL Server Performance Tuning Using Application Path Analysis

There are a lot of resources, products and features you can use to tune the performance of your SQL Server system. Many assume you’re familiar with 400-level concepts, others don’t consider the whole stack of the client, the network, the operating system, platform and the database server. Buck Woody, Microsoft’s real-world DBA, will explain a simple, repeatable process you can follow to tune your entire application – from the client to the server. All of the tools we’ll cover are included with Windows and SQL Server:


Β· Using Windows System Monitoring Tools

Β· The SQL Profiler and Server Trace

Β· Database Engine Tuning Advisor

Β· Management Data Warehouse / Data Collector

Β· Performance and Configuration Reports

Β· The new Activity Monitor

Β· Dynamic Management Views and System Views

Β· Query Plans

Β· Extended Events

Β· Resource Governor

In this pre-conference session you’ll cover not only the process, but also review a real-world evaluation. You’ll take home a system and a spreadsheet you can use to monitor and tune your applications, in a simple, easy-to-understand session.

Buck Woody

Buck Woody is a Senior Technical Specialist for Microsoft, working with enterprise-level clients to develop computing platform architecture solutions within their organizations. With over twenty-five years professional and practical experience in computer technology, he is also a popular speaker at TechEd, PASS and many other conferences; the author of over 500 articles and five books on databases; and teaches a Database Design course at the University of Washington


RSVP your spot in this all day Pre-Con session here!


Pre-Con 2 - Jorge Segarra, Bradley Schacht, Kyle Walker, Mike Davis (Pragmatic Works) - Business Intelligence Workshop

In this full-day workshop, you'll learn from the author team of Jorge Segarra, Mike Davis, Brad Schacht, and Kyle Walker how to build a data warehouse for your company and support it with the Microsoft business intelligence platform. We'll start with how to design and data model a data warehouse including the system preparation. Then, we'll jump into loading a data warehouse with SSIS. After SSIS, you're ready to roll the data up and provide the slice and dice reporting with SSAS. The team will walk through cube development and data enrichment with things like key performance indicators, which are essential for your future dashboards. Lastly, we will cover how to report against the data warehouse with SSRS including a primer in how to write MDX queries against the SSAS cube.


  • Practical knowledge of building a Dimensional Model

  • Designing a simple ETL process using SSIS

  • Designing a Cube

  • Designing simple SSRS Reports

  • Building an integrated process that fully leverages the entire MS BI stack to load a Data Warehouse

Jorge Segarra
Jorge is a BI Consultant for Pragmatic Works and a SQL Server MVP. In addition to being a member of the Jacksonville SQL Server User Group (JSSUG) he is also a PASS Regional Mentor for the U.S. Greater Southeast region. He has also co-authored the book from Apress β€œSQL 2008 Pro Policy-Based Managementβ€œ. Redgate Exceptional DBA of the Year 2010 Finalist. 

Brad Schadcht 

Bradley is a consultant at Pragmatic Works in Jacksonville, FL. He was an author on the book SharePoint 2010 Business Intelligence 24-Hour Trainer. Bradley has experience on many part of the Microsoft BI platform. He has spoken at events like SQL Saturday, Code Camp, SQL Lunch and SQL Server User Groups. He is a contributor on sites such as and SQL Server Central as well as an active member of the Jacksonville SQL Server User Group (JSSUG).


Kyle Walker

Kyle is a Business Intelligence consultant for Pragmatic Works. His current and past work experience includes Integration Services, data warehousing concepts, Reporting Services, and Crystal Reports. He is active in the local and online community as a speaker for SQL Lunch, Jacksonville SQL Server Users Group, and past SQLSaturday events, as well as a blogger on


Mike Davis

Mike Davis, MCTS, MCITP, is a Senior BI consultant at Pragmatic Works. He is an author of a few Business intelligence books. Mike is an experienced speaker and has presented at many events such as several SQL Server User Groups, Code Camps, SQL Server Launches, SQL Rally, and SQL Saturday events. Mike is an active member at his local user group (JSSUG) in Jacksonville, FL.


RSVP your spot in this all day Pre-Con session here!


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