Blog Post

SQLSaturday #49 tomorrow!


This is just a quick note to let you know SQLSaturday #49 in Orlando is tomorrow! If you’re in the area come on down, there’s going to be TONS of great speakers/presentations. Check out the all-star lineup we have!

Tom LaRock (Blog | Twitter)

Louis Davidson (Blog | Twitter)

Kathi Kellenberger (Twitter)

Ken Simmons (Blog | Twitter)

Andy Warren (Blog | Twitter)

Aaron Nelson (Blog | Twitter)

Adam Jorgensen (Blog | Twitter)

Patrick LeBlanc (Blog | Twitter)

Kevin Boles (Twitter)

Rodney Landrum (Blog | Twitter)

Jack Corbett (Blog | Twitter)

Ed Wilson (Blog | Twitter)

and many more!!!!

Holy crap, just looking at that lineup makes me excited. If you haven’t registered, get on it! Oh yeah, I’ll be presenting too on Policy-Based Management. Come to my session and I’ll be raffling away a copy of “Pro SQL Server 2008 Policy-Based Management” as well as giving away one of my famous rubber chickens. See you in Orlando!

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