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SQLSaturday #158 NYC Event Update! - Spread the word...


It's about three months to  to SQLSaturday #158  in NYC, and we're hard at work nailing down all the little details that make the difference. We'll do most of the work, but there is one place where you can help us - spread the word about the event. I recently announced the opening of this awesome event in my blog - you can read the announcement for SQLSaturday NYC Returns to the Big Apple.

Tell your IT team (including the CIO) that we've a great event coming up on Aug 04, 2012 at Microsoft New York Metro Office, 1290 Avenue of the Americas, Sixth Floor, New York, NY 10104 and that you'll be attending - and that you hate to go alone!

t just takes a minute to send an email or instant message, tweet with hashtag #sqlsat158, or just print this and post it in the main hallway, and it can really help us have a spectacular event!   

We're still working on the schedule, but where is what has been submitted so far: Here's our current schedule of presentations: You can take a look at the details for each submission here: Speaker Abstract Details

Current Abstracts Submitted for Consideration:
DBA-User Interface, build a bridge. Alex Grinberg
(SQL,SSIS,MDS) Adv Fuzzy Matching Roll Your Own Ira Whiteside
“I See a Control Flow Tab. Now What?” (Level 100) Andy Leonard
A Peek at SQL Server 2012 AlwaysOn Edwin Sarmiento
Access Denied - Security And Your Databases AJ Mendo
Advanced Charting Techniques in SSRS Jason Thomas
Alright,WHY is the server REALLY running so slow! Steve Simon
Analysis Services – the new Tabular engine Mark Stacey
Analysis Services for the DBA Mark Stacey
Attribute Discretization in Analysis Services 2012 William E Pearson III
Beautiful things always recur  Steve Simon
Becoming DAX: An Introduction ... William E Pearson III
Beyond Plateaux: Optimize SSAS with Best Practices William E Pearson III
Bridging the Chasm: BI Theory vs. Practice William E Pearson III
Cancel Your Plans! Mike Hillwig
Change Data Capture in SQL Server 2008 Kevin Goff
Coffee Break SQLSatruday 158
Creating a Metadata Mart w/ SSIS - Data Governance Ira Whiteside
Creating a Performance Baseline for SQL Server Ron Johnson
Creating efficient and effective SSRS BI Solutions Steve Simon
Database design for mere developers Steve Simon
Database Recovery Techniques To Keep Handy Edwin Sarmiento
Deploying SQL Server 2012 Multi-site Clusters Edwin Sarmiento
Design and Implement BI Like Edison!  William E Pearson III
Designing an SSIS Framework  Andy Leonard
Developing an Analysis Services Tabular Project Peter Myers
Documenting Your Integrated Microsoft BI Solution William E Pearson III
Don't Panic - Keep Calm And Organize Your DR Plan AJ Mendo
DW Architecture: More than just Facts & Dimensions Martin Schoombee
Enriching Applications with SSAS Data Mining Peter Myers
Entity Strategies: Structuring Your Consultancy William E Pearson III
Fast Track to Spatial Reporting Jason Thomas
Get your Mining Model Predictions out to all Steve Simon
Getting Started with MDX: The (Very) Basics William E Pearson III
Getting the most out of PerformancePoint Services  Kevin Goff
How Not to Be a Cranky DBA Mike Hillwig
How to build XML. Alex Grinberg
How to Migrate from SQL Server to SQL Azure Mark Kromer
Integrating MDX code with OLAP applications Kevin Goff
Introduction to SQL Server 2012 MDS and DQS Peter Myers
Introduction to SSIS with a Real-World Example Ron Johnson
Lunch Break SQLSaturday 158
Managing SQL Server in Large DW Environments Mark Kromer
Many-to-Many: Multiple Calendars in a Single Cube William E Pearson III
Master Data Services Decoded Steve Simon
Microsoft Cloud BI Mark Kromer
MongoDB for the Relational DBA Justin Dearing
Moves like Jagger - Upgrading to SQL Server 2012 Mark Broadbent
Much Ado about Indexes - Tips, Tricks and Tuning.. Robert Pearl
New Server in an Hour? No Problem! Mike Hillwig
Overcoming Barriers and Avoiding Mistakes with BI William E Pearson III
Overview of PowerPivot David Eichner
PowerPivot 2.0 - beyond the first worksheet Kevin Goff
PowerPivot and Power View in SQL Server 2012 Peter Myers
PowerPivot for Excel: For Those Unacquainted ... William E Pearson III
Presentation WOW! Edwin Sarmiento
Prototype with PowerPivot: External SSAS Groups William E Pearson III
READPAST & Furious-Transactions.Locking.Isolation. Mark Broadbent
Reciprocal Symmetry: MDX in PowerPivot William E Pearson III
Self-Managed BI with PowerPivot Peter Myers
Serene Velocity: Reporting Services and SSAS Data William E Pearson III
SharePoint and SQL Server 2012 AlwaysOn for HA/DR Edwin Sarmiento
SharePoint for the SQL Server DBA Edwin Sarmiento
Shred SQL Server XML. Alex Grinberg
Slowly changing dimensions- an integrated approach Mark Stacey
SQL Agent MSX Server: One Process, Many Servers Mike Hillwig
SQL Azure - What is it and why do I need it? Scott Klein
SQL Azure Scalability with Federations Scott Klein
SQL Azure vs. Azure Tables –Clearing The Confusion Scott Klein
SQL Server 2012 Columnstore index Kevin Goff
SQL Server 2012..Advances in window functions Steve Simon
SRS Report Builder for Business Intelligence David Eichner
SSAS 2012 Tabular vs. Multidimensional William E. Pearson III
SSIS 2012 : Keeping ahead of the curve Steve Simon
SSRS 2008R2 Reporting Gallery Kevin Goff
SSRS 2012. No slight of hands to fantastic results Steve Simon
T-SQL for Application Developers - Attendees chose Kevin Goff
Temporal Fact Tables: The Road Less Traveled Martin Schoombee
The new tabular model in Analysis Services 2012 Kevin Goff
Treasure Hunting with MSDB: Finding Your Gold Mike Hillwig
Using BIML as an SSIS Design Patterns Engine  Andy Leonard
What's new in SQL Server 2012 - from A to Z Kevin Goff
What’s new in SQL Server Integration Services 2012 Kevin Goff
Why OLAP? Building SSAS cubes and benefits of OLAP Kevin Goff
Windows PowerShell for the SQL Server DBA Edwin Sarmiento 
For more information please visit or email us at
Follow this event on Twitter with hashtag #sqlsat158, and get news on all our events with #sqlsaturday.

Hope to see you there!!  Keep the Pearlknows Blog bookmarked for updates as well.


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