Blog Post

SQLRally Overdrive: Birds of a Feather Discussions Event


Just wanted to post a quick note/invitation to everyone to come join us on Thursday, May 12th from 5:45-7:00 for the SQLRally Overdrive: Birds of a Feather Discussions event.

We’ll have several tables, each with a dedicated expert in the field hosting conversations. Want to delve into some shop talk about PowerShell? Curious about how Analysis Services are being setup by other folks in the field? Care to swap architecture design ideas about SSIS with others? Well this is the place to do this and more! Here’s the list of folks who have graciously volunteered to host tables at this event:

Mike Davis (Blog | Twitter) – SSRS

Grant Fritchey (Blog | Twitter) – Indexing/Performance Tuning

Adam Jorgensen (Blog | Twitter)- SSAS

Devin Knight (Blog | Twitter) – SSIS

Andie Letourneau (Blog | Twitter) – Women in Technology

Brian Moran (Blog | Twitter)- Professional Development

Jorge Segarra (Blog | Twitter) – Administration

Ed Wilson (Blog | Twitter) – PowerShell


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