Blog Post

SQLPort in Coimbra


SQLPortOne more project can be finally revealed – on the 5th of May of 2015, SQLPort is invading the home base of the 10th eldest university in europe (Unesco World Heritage Site) – Coimbra. This will be an epic 66th SQLPort meeting.

CSW_Gradiente_rgbWith support of Ricardo Peres (ASP.NET/IIS) and sponsorship from the great company Critical Software we are “invading” the third city in Portugal with the expansion of the Microsoft Data Platform Community. (The first two cities were Lisbon & Oporto).

The event will be held at the headquarters of the Critical Software at Parque Industrial de Taveiro, lote 49, 3045-504, Coimbra, there will be coffee-break as always and as for the presentations – they will be delivered by current Portuguese SQL Server MVPs – me & Murilo Miranda. I will be talking about the ways and arts of performance tuning, while Murilo will dive into the configuration of the Availability Groups.

This will be a very fine event with a lot of hopes for making a positive effect on the Coimbra and companies which are located there. Naturally if you are located somewhere near by, please consider attending!

Sign up for the meeting now and help us to spread the word!


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