Blog Post

SQL University Lecture Series: Women in Tech


This week SQL University is on Spring Break but we’ve lined up some activities to help keep students busy (you know what they say about idle hands and whatnot!). In continuation of Women’s History Month, and properly coming off of the heels of the 24 Hours of PASS event, we’re proud to have our next talks in our Lecture Series this Friday at 1pm EST featuring the ladies of WIT Week here at SQL University.

Our Live Lecture will be happening over at SQLLunch, and as always it’s free, so make sure you go register for the event. If you enjoyed reading all of the fantastic posts from WIT week you’ll love this event. The session is going to be a round table discussion about what WIT means to them as well as discussing some of the issues they’ve faced and would like to address in the field. Audience participation is encouraged via Q&A in LiveMeeting so come join the panel. See you at the SQLLunch!


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