Blog Post

SQL Server test data generation testing tools


Question:  How do I generate test data for SQL Server ?  I don’t want to buy a benchmarking tool, but I  require a representative test case with real SQL statements.  How do the professional DBA’s capture SQL Server workloads for testing?

Answer:  First, try to use real-world data, not artificial test data sets.  You want a representative benchmark.  

A one dimensional  view of SQL Server can lead to vastly different results. Data that is not representative and workloads executed on the data can create a false sense of results.

Always remember that there is no substitute for a real-world test that simulates the actual behaviour of your production systems. However , this is not always possible.

SQL Server  test data generation testing tools

 There are several tools and methods for generating test data for SQL Server:

  • SQL Server Profiler- using the T-SQL Replay template. 
  • DBGEN - The TPC-H tools, dbgen and qgen allow for the development of up to a terabyte databases.
  • Quest Benchmark Factory for Databases – Track the effects of SQL Server changes on the environment

Author: Jack Vamvas (

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