Blog Post

SQL Server Standard


PASS is relaunching the SQL Server Standard with a wholly new approach and format. I’ll put more out about it as it becomes available. I just wanted to get the word out now, as far and as wide as I can. Basically submissions are open for articles. We’re only interested in publishing experienced writers who’ve published in some other tech-reviewed medium (Simple-Talk, books, SQL Server magazine, the old SQL Server Standard, are a few examples).  If you’re interested, send me a direct tweet @GFritchey or an email to grant.fritchey -at-

All the details will be published soon over at the PASS web site. Short info for those interested:

  • experienced writers who are members of PASS
  • abstracts can be 4-6 sentences describing the thrust, scope & length of the article
  • articles will be 2000-4000 words long
  • authors will be paid $500 for a completed article

Again, more info as I get it.

A couple of points that are going to be emphasized in other places. The intent here is to provide content for PASS, not compete with great sites like SQL Server Central or Simple-Talk. I like those guys and will continue to try to write for them. I am not competing with them and neither is PASS (I’m not because I know I’d lose, and lose big). We’re trying to go for high quality, in-depth articles. That’s why we only want experienced authors. We see this as a possible path of growth and maybe a way to work towards presenting at PASS. There’s going to a lot more information about this communicated very soon. Watch for it.

If you’re wondering why I’m making the call here, and accepting submissions, I volunteered to be the editor. We’ll see how that works out.


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