Today's post describes SQL queries to get the following information about the processors of a SQL Server instance: 1. The total number of physical cores 2. The total number of physical cores per CPU 3. The total number of physical and virtual CPUs. 4. Type of processor 5. The total number of virtual CPUs.
DECLARE @xp_msver TABLE (
[idx] [int] NULL
,[c_name] [varchar](100) NULL
,[int_val] [float] NULL
,[c_val] [varchar](128) NULL
INSERT INTO @xp_msver
EXEC ('[master]..[xp_msver]');;
WITH [ProcessorInfo]
AS (
SELECT ([cpu_count] / [hyperthread_ratio]) AS [number_of_physical_cpus]
WHEN hyperthread_ratio = cpu_count
THEN cpu_count
ELSE (([cpu_count] - [hyperthread_ratio]) / ([cpu_count] / [hyperthread_ratio]))
END AS [number_of_cores_per_cpu]
WHEN hyperthread_ratio = cpu_count
THEN cpu_count
ELSE ([cpu_count] / [hyperthread_ratio]) * (([cpu_count] - [hyperthread_ratio]) / ([cpu_count] / [hyperthread_ratio]))
END AS [total_number_of_cores]
,[cpu_count] AS [number_of_virtual_cpus]
SELECT [c_val]
FROM @xp_msver
WHERE [c_name] = 'Platform'
) AS [cpu_category]
FROM [sys].[dm_os_sys_info]
SELECT [number_of_physical_cpus]
,LTRIM(RIGHT([cpu_category], CHARINDEX('x', [cpu_category]) - 1)) AS [cpu_category]
FROM [ProcessorInfo]
In my demo environment, I get the following output.