Blog Post

SQL Server Professionals: NYC Summer Spectacular! Training & Events


This is a very exciting summer to be in New York City!  We’re not just talking Central Park, the Theatre District, Museums, Restaurants, and all the night life that is so synonymous with New York – that’s just a bonus for being here!  We’re talking about the absolute beginning to end sizzling super sensation of SQL Server events and training!  This blog is a summary, but I’ll be sure to cover them more in-depth as they occur!

You won’t believe the assortment of our favorite SQL Server experts, trainers, and MVPs who are descending upon the Big Apple to bring us SQL training to our hearts’ content.  You’re not going to want to miss any of these, so be sure to register for one or more of these fantastic opportunities to learn, lunch, laugh and network with your peers and #sqlfamily.

First up, to kick off the summer season, just a couple of weeks left before the Pragmatic Works folks, founded by SQL Server MVP Brian Knight, come up to the city on June 19-20, 2012, to bring us their New York City SQL Server 2012 DBA Workshop.  This two day course is designed to introduce SQL Server DBA’s to the new and exciting features available in that version. They use a variety of lab exercises to ensure lecture sessions are backed up by hands-on experience. With the hands-on labs, you will experience how the new features can be utilized in your everyday DBA work. This course will cover topics such as AlwaysOn, column store indexes, SQL Server Data Tools, the FileTable feature, and administering the BI platform within the context of SQL Server 2012.  You can register directly here: NYC SQL 2012 Pragmatic Works Registration.

If you’re looking for comprehensive and end-to-end specialized training on SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), then I have an exclusive course for you!  Andy Leonard, CSO/founder of Linchpin People, and SSIS expert trainer and author brings his popular class, Zero to SSIS, to New York City, for a 5-day hands-on engagement on July 30, 2012 through August 3, 2012. 


From Zero to SSIS was developed by Andy Leonard to train technology professionals in the fine art of using SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) to build data integration and Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) solutions. The training is focused around labs and emphasizes a hands-on approach. Most technologists learn by doing; this training is designed to maximize the time attendees spend working with SSIS.


The target audience for this training is database professionals, application developers, and business intelligence practitioners interested in acquiring or expanding their existing SSIS skill set. No experience with SQL Server or SQL Server Integration Services is required before attending this training.

For more info and full-course agenda, visit Andy’s blog, SSIS Training Comes to NYC, and register by July 1, 2012 to receive an early bird discount: Register NOW!


The great thing about the timing of Andy’s SSIS course, is that if you stick around for one more day, you’ll be treated to the awesome event SQLSaturday#158 NYC!  As you may know, I recently announced the Return of SQLSaturday to NYC on my blog.  Since then, we have had over two hundred fifty plus registrations, and 125 speaker submissions!  Let me tell you, THIS is NOT an event to miss! Some of the most awesome SQL Server Community superstars will be there! If you are in the New York area, or plan to be, whether for Andy’s course, vacation, business or pleasure, you MUST come for a full day of FREE SQL Server Training!  (A small $10.00 fee is added to cover a great lunch!) SQLSaturday is a training event for SQL Server professionals and those wanting to learn about SQL Server. This event will be held on August 4th at Microsoft New York Metro Office, 1290 Avenue of the Americas, Sixth Floor, New York, NY 10104.  Please Register ASAP as seating is limited and let friends and colleagues know about the event.  You can follow the event happenings on twitter, using hash tag #sqlsat158.  We are also planning a special keynote for the event with a soon to be announced super speaker!  So, register today, and stay tuned for more event updates and announcements.


So, I knew something was up, when I personally reached out to SQL MVPs Steve Jones, Brad McGehee, and Grant Fritchey, respectively, to invite them to submit a presentation for SQLSaturday #158.  All of them, basically said they have family vacation plans and couldn’t make it – but I don’t fault them, because they will nonetheless ALL be in New York City anyway, in September! J


Seems like we’ll be having a British invasion!  No, it’s not the Beatles, its Red-Gate’s SQL In The City!  To cap off the extraordinary end to the summer, is the recent announcement by the sql geeks across the pond, Red Gate Software launches its 6-city SQL-In-The-City US tour.  SQLInTheCity will land in New York City on Friday, September 28, 2012 for a full day of FREE training! 


Each event includes five different sessions in each of three different tracks: Database Administration Track, Developer Track, and the Red Gate Track. Sessions will not only cover general SQL Server topics, but attendees will also have the opportunity to attend Red Gate tool specific sessions in order to learn more about how to become more productive DBAs.

Be sure to register for this exciting event here: REGISTER SQLINCITYNYC!


So, New York City, is it hot enough for you?  SQL Server professionals, the summer, and the city, 2012 is ours!



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