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SQL Server Performance – September Story Contest 2011


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SQL Server Performance – September Story Contest 2011

Want to win yourself an iPad2? Well you can!  Tell your story, 50/50, refer a friend!  No this isn’t “Who wants to be a Millionaire?”, but I’m here to tell you about an exciting new competition that will rock the SQL Server world.

Welcome to Safe Peak's SQL Server Performance Story Contest, 2011!

All this month, I’m hosting this cool beans contest that can score you some awesome prizes, like that iPad2 we were talking about, and much more!

Everyone who participates will be eligible to win a prize, and not just for your story! 

Read on to learn how to enter, as well as the unique details of this exciting challenge that is sure to make your end-of-summer blues disappear – just like Safe Peak can make those SQL Performance Issues disappear J

Since Safe Peak guarantees it can resolve your performance issues, now we want to hear about how you, the DBA, took a challenging performance problem, and resolved it.

As a company which "cures" SQL performance pains, Safe Peak is interested in your personal experience in dealing with this challenge. So please share and tell us about your SQL server app performance story, and you might win an IPad2!  Also, up for grabs, are multiple chances at $50 and $100 Amazon Gift Cards!

I’m sure you have some great stories!  We all have interesting stories to tell. I know I do. The more details you provide – the better your story is!  And, to increase your chances of winning, you can submit up to (3) three stories!

Now, yes, I am playing host, and judge, of this month’s contest, but we are a benevolent bunch.  We want you, to be the jury, and help us decide whose story is the best! 

Think of this as the SQL Server Community’s American Idol.  Not only will the judge weigh in, but the audience gets to participate in determining who the winner is! 

Don’t just take my word for it; you too will be part of the deciding factor.  This is an exciting opportunity to get involved, share you story, and help us choose the winner!

But wait!  There’s more! You voted for your favorite story ("Like") or told a friend about this contest?  By doing so, in appreciation of your participation as a judge, and as a referral, you too will be eligible to win a prize!  Just click on “Tell a Friend”, and you’re automatically entered to win a $50.00 Gift Card to!

Tell me, what other contest offers all these chances to win?  Just like our SQL Community – get involved, participate, and you will be rewarded.

Come on down, you’re the next contestant for Safe Peak’s September SQL Performance Contest, 2011.

I will be tweeting updates to the contest, and reference some of the great stories coming through!  So, you can follow me on Twitter|Pearlknows.

I look forward to your stories, and your participation! This is your host, Robert Pearl wishing you all - Good Luck!



*     Safe Peak’s SQL Server Performance Story Contest, 2011    *

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Here’s a little background about our friends at SafePeak.  Given how important performance is these days among SQL Server critical applications, I was excited to look into a new product by SafePeak Technologies ( that aims to resolve immediately, in a plug-and-play way, the performance, scalability and peak challenges of SQL Server applications on the Cloud, Hosting servers and enterprises datacenters.

While most SQL Server shops ask me about performance monitoring and alert solutions, to allow them to identify and analyze performance bottlenecks, this unique product actually can resolve them and increase performance in dramatic ways.

Ask about a FREE Demo, and tell them PearlKnows sent you!  

You can follow me on Twitter|Pearlknows, and to take a look at our products and services, please visit us at Pearl Knowledge Solutions' website


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