Blog Post

SQL Server On Containers


On Sep 23rd 2.45 PM PST, I will be presenting 2 sessions on “SQL Server On Containers” @ at SQLSaturday San Diego, if you are in the area I hope to see you…

Location: UCSD Extension – University City Center, 6256 Greenwich Dr., San Diego, California, 92122, United States

Speaker Evaluation

Session: SQL Server with Docker

Windows Server 2016 containers have started a new era which will help with VM consolidation. The future of SQL Implementations is about installing a SQL Server on containers. Containers are a new way of running applications and provide an isolated, resource controlled, predictable and portable operating environment.

You may remember the physical server consolidation phase started with VMs, along with the struggle to run SQL Server on VMs and providing predictable performance. Since then, this has been the biggest change to the way SQL Server will be installed. Windows Server 2016 introduced headless NANO servers, container support, and with complete support for creating containers using Docker, a defacto industry standard API for container packaging that allows running SQL Server as micro-services. Docker has industry-wide support with hosted services on Azure/AWS, monitoring, logging, and orchestration. No matter how you currently deploy SQL Server on Linux or Windows, containers are the future….

Prakash Heda will demo CI/CD capabilities provided by Docker by upgrading SQL 2016 to 2017. He will show you how containerization solves the “dependency hell” problem by incorporating software dependencies into a container image and providing smooth application deployment.

You’ll learn:

• What is Docker? Its characteristics and why MS chose Docker as the official tool to manage Windows containers.

• To deploy different versions of SQL server on your laptops in less than a minute without knowing anything about SQL installation.

• SQL Server containers can be implemented today




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