Blog Post

SQL Server Newsletter @LearningTree


As many of you know I have been delivering Learning Tree training courses since way back in 2010. Combing training course delivery along with my other SQL Server consulting work has been very rewarding. Delivering training with Learning Tree are always very enjoyable weeks for me. My main focus in that time with Learning Tree in that time has been on SQL Server training courses.

In that time, I have also been writing about SQL Server here on I have written two SQL Server training courses for  Learning Tree. One course has since retired the other course  SQL Server 2012 Skills upgrade course is still running.  I have also written two books with Packt Publishing:

Well now I will be writing on an additional platform. I will be writing and contributing to Learning Tree’s SQL Server blog and also writing Learning Tree’s SQL Server newsletter. We are still working on the frequency that these will be delivered but we are initially going for a bi-weekly schedule. So signing up you’ll get your newsletter delivered once every two weeks. You can sign up for the newsletter here

The first edition of this newsletter is scheduled to go out tomorrow. Without giving too much away I will be discussing some of the reasons why I think my SQL Server 2012 skills upgrade is course is still running and has not yet been retired despite SQL Server 2016 being launched in June. We’ll be looking at why people are sometimes reluctant to upgrade SQL Servers to the latest version.

I will also be making  contributions to the Learning Tree's  SQL Server blog. If you would like to subscribe to the Learning Tree SQL Server blog the feed is

Learning Tree SQL Server Feed

If you would rather a non-feed url you can read the blog posts here

I'll still be blogging here too, I'm notgoing anywhere and no doubt I'll be posting links to the blogs and articles I write on the Learning Tree site


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