Blog Post

SQL Server News–29th March 2016


This past weekend is one of my favourite holiday weekends - the 4 day Easter weekend 🙂  Although I have had to work through most of it…With the holiday and the fact I've been busy with a new system go-live this post is slightly  late as a result.

On Thursday last week the Agenda for SQLBITS 2016 was annoucned. Our very own David Postlewaite has been selected to speak on the Saturday at SQLBITs this year. Congratulations David. That Saturday is free to attend. f you would like to see David deliver his session – sign up! Its free.
Anyway news posts and other bits that have caught my attention this week include:

SQL Server

From January Microsoft want you apply  cumulative updates (CUs) like you would a a service pack. CUs now get tested like service packs apparently so we should take them more regularly as and when they come out. Interesting.

Continuous Integration - this is a subject and area that I have been looking at  recently. This a good article by David Atkinson first published in May 2013 but updated on 9th April 2015 that discusses continuous integration and also looks at doing continous integration  with Redgate tools. I have been a Redgate fan for many years and used a variety of their tools in that time. If you are looking for continuous integration this is well worth a read

Then there's this too on database deployments  also by redgate disucssing  the different approaches you can take

Erik Darling of looks at Extended Events in SQL Server 2016 and some the really useful new features that have been in included

Big Data and Analytics

A very interesting read on how Uber use big-data to optimize its customers experience.


SQL Server in Windows Container in Azure -

Comparing cloud providers - How do Azure and AWS (Amazon) stack up?

Other Stuff

An interesting read on marketing and SEO using social media experiments -


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