Blog Post

SQL Server Magazine's Top 10 Blogger....#3


So, it seems that I have been selected by the 2011 SQL Server Community Choice Awards, as among the Top 10 favorite SQL Server Bloggers, as #3 on the list! (You'll have to scroll to the bottom of the page.) Ask me, how you think I did that, and I'll answer truthfully, "I dunno"

It was absolutely a big surprise.  It completely came out of the blue, and I am thankful and truly honored to among the names of some real SQL Server Rockstars on the list. I don't want to overdo the "I'm not sure I deserve it", or "I'm not worthy" platitudes (my original thoughts), nor invoke the "I think thou doth protesteth too much" - Or in layman's terms, you're full of _it!  But I did want to reflect a little bit on this honor, the timing, and what it means to me.

ALL of these superb individuals deserve to be on this list, contribute greatly and significantly to the SQL Server community! Congratulations to them all!! They all have different, if not slightly overlapping, disciplines and areas of expertise with the sql server professional world.  They each possess a unique writing style and presentation.  If you look at all of the names on the list of your favorite SQL Server Bloggers you will see that it is quite a list of awesome SQL Server experts and bloggers from the community.   

1. Brent Ozar

2. Adam Machanic

3. Robert Pearl

4. Andy Warren

5. Pinal Dave

6. Grant Fritchey

7. Kalen Delaney

8. Steve Jones

9. Paul S. Randal

10. Kimberly L. Tripp

All of whom I know, stay in touch with via social media, and lucky enough to have met some face to face at various events and such.  I might question the order of selection, but again, I'm just going to seriously say THANK YOU!

The other thing that amazed me, is that all of you who voted, needed to go out of your way to actually write in names of your favorite bloggers!  Unlike the product categories which were selected by drop-down menus. 

The interesting thing about this, is I didn't even campaign for votes on this, as I did with our SQL Server Monitoring & Alert System, SQLCentric!  Besides a tweet or two, it was more like "Vote for SQLCentric!"  On that note, we did not win Best Database Monitoring and Performance Product this year (which is ok, and truthfully, we've been trying hard to release our v.3.0 of the software, and it's a long time in coming - coming soon, i promise!)  Priorities and all that has allowed much too much time to elapse, and change directions several times in a crowded market place of SQL Monitoring solutions.  However, Pearl Knowledge Solutions, did get honorable mention as still a "hot product" among SQL Server Community Choicers We appreciate the mention.  It was an honor just being nominated 🙂 Congratulations to all the winners!

Anyway, as I've been fairly super busy over the last several months with SQL Community service (online and off), I suspect that my increased blogging proliferation around our successful SQLPeople SQLInspireNYC 2011 event had something to do with it. I had countless blogs, tweets, and LinkedIn posts about the upcoming event.  For that, I thank Andy Leonard, and Brian Moran for starting the idea and the franchise, and allowing me to help take it up to New York City!  It was a great experience and very well-done! {Applause} 

In addition, I attribute it to the opportunity to host a T-SQL Tuesday - thank you Adam Machanic, as well as participatnt bloggers. Here are the links to T-SQL Tuesday #22 Invitation, and Blog round-up.  Incidentally, Adam, NO surprise, was #2 favorite blogger on the list.

At the same, I was changing my Chuck Woolery game-show host suit for the privelege to host and act as contest supervisor in a great new contest by SafePeak.  This was a Performance Story Contest, where you were asked to submit your own SQL Server Stories to win an iPad and other great prizes.  (Announcement of Winners to follow shortly)

Overall, going way back, I also need to thank Steve Jones, for he was the one that allowed me to park my blog here in the first place, and provided me with an open mike (figuratively speaking), to blog and rant on

So, I guess during the time when the SQL Server Magazine's Community Choice Voting was on, I happened to step into the public light at the right timing.  Over the last week, I was out of curiosity, logging on to site, anxiously awaiting December's edition to be published.  I was looking for the product category stuff, and not even thinking about the "Favorite Blogger Question"

Well, after looking day in and day out for the announcement, I needed to be mostly offline for a few days, and got my first word of this from a congratulations tweet from Andy Leonard!  I was like, huh?  Thought this was his own personal favorite list he added me to or something to.  But lo and behold when I went to the link, there I was, #3, with the likes of Brent, Adam, Kalen, Paul, Andy Warren, Steve, Grant, Kimberly, and Pinal.  I was really flabergasted, and humbled.

This came at a time where an ilness in the family, and some very rough personal challenges had all culminated, and so it was bittersweet.  Perhaps, one day, I'll write more about my trials and travails, but don't want to put a damper on things, especially as the holiday season approaches, and maybe even bore you.

And that being said, is the essence of my blogging, I really try to take some dry technical topics, or even with an exciting event, and amplify it with hyperbole, puns, play on words, humor, and self-deprecation.  I always want to present the sunny side of things through my blog, because some aspects of life are sad and serious enough.  I was told to always emphasize the positives.  When I mentioned my surprise at this, one friend from the community simply said, "you write stuff that tells a story" while others just the technical jargon and facts.  Those words did mean a lot, and I guess that I do in fact try to tell a story and make things fun and entertaining as possible.  If I give people both valuable information and joy at the same time, then I'm all good about it!

While I have some personal challenges and family issues ahead to deal with, I did want to let you know that I take comfort in the fact that I have my extended #sqlfamily to support me. Turns out Brian Moran recently blogged about this phenomena of SQLFamily, and how magnificent it truly is! He writes that "I hope being part of the SQL Server community blesses you and enriches your life the same way it has mine."  Yes, indeed.

I did have a short blog entry of my own on What SQLFamily Means to Me, but in light of recent events even more so!

Give a read on his blog, One Happy SQL Server Family. And to that, on this impending U.S. Holiday of Thanksgiving, I am most thankful for!

Wishing all of my friends, colleagues and #SQLFamily a Happy, Warm, and delicious Thanksgiving!

Warm Regards,

Robert Pearl 🙂



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