Every install action, whether an Add of a node, settings validation, repair, remove, uninstall appears in this folder, and as soon as you have installation issues, go right to the specific Detail.txt under the Log folder corresponding to the date and time an installation was executed. You will see that Summary.txt has very little information, which is self-evident by its name.
For those of you who have a solid state drive at home (desktop / laptop, etc), to become familiar with how SQL Server is installed, I recommend a download of the SQL 2012 Developer edition ISO and to familiarize oneself with the command line installation - and if we could compare total install times (it's ll in the logs, no need for the stop watch), versus a GUI install that would be cool π to share.
CMD line install and one for an non-clustered with Analysis Services:
setup.exe /IACCEPTSQLSERVERLICENSETERMS /QS /ACTION="Install" /AGTSVCPASSWORD="19CharacterPassword" /ASSVCPASSWORD="19CharacterPassword" /SAPWD="19CharacterPassword" /SQLSVCPASSWORD="19CharacterPassword" /INDICATEPROGRESS="true" /ENU="True" /UpdateEnabled="TRUE" /UpdateSource="Drive:\FOLDERCONTAININGLatestUpdate" /FEATURES=SQLENGINE,REPLICATION,FULLTEXT,DQ,AS,RS /HELP="False" /INDICATEPROGRESS="TRUE" /X86="False" /INSTALLSHAREDDIR="C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server" /INSTALLSHAREDWOWDIR="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server" /INSTANCENAME="InstanceName" /INSTANCEID="InstanceName" /ERRORREPORTING="True" /INSTANCEDIR="C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server" /AGTSVCACCOUNT="InstanceSpecificServiceAccountName" /ASSVCACCOUNT="InstanceSpecificServiceAccountName" /ASSVCSTARTUPTYPE="Automatic" /ASCOLLATION="Latin1_General_CI_AS" /ASDATADIR="DriveName:1\olapdb_InstanceName" /ASLOGDIR="DriveName:\olaplog_InstanceName" /ASBACKUPDIR="DriveName:\olapbakup_InstanceName" /ASTEMPDIR="DriveName:\\olaptmp_VInstanceName" /ASCONFIGDIR="DriveName:\OLAP\Config" /ASPROVIDERMSOLAP="1" /ASSYSADMINACCOUNTS="ListOfUsers" "ADDINSTANCESPECIFICCCOUNT" /ASSERVERMODE="MULTIDIMENSIONAL" /FILESTREAMLEVEL="0" /SQLCOLLATION="Latin1_General_CI_AS" /SQLSVCACCOUNT="InstanceSpecificServiceAccountName" /SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS="InstanceSpecificServiceAccountName" "ADDINSTANCESPECIFICCCOUNT" /SECURITYMODE="SQL" /INSTALLSQLDATADIR="DriveName:\sqlsysdb_InstanceName" /SQLBACKUPDIR="DriveName:\sqlbakup_InstanceName" /SQLUSERDBDIR="DriveName:\mpdbs001\sqlappdb_InstanceName" /SQLUSERDBLOGDIR="DriveName:\sqlapplog_InstanceName" /SQLTEMPDBDIR="DriveName:\sqltmpdb_InstanceName" /RSSVCACCOUNT="NT Service\ReportServer$InstanceName" /RSSVCSTARTUPTYPE="Automatic" /FTSVCACCOUNT="NT Service\MSSQLFDLauncher$InstanceName"
And a command line instance Repair:
setup.exe /IACCEPTSQLSERVERLICENSETERMS /QS /ACTION="repair" /ENU="True" /INSTANCENAME="NAME" /ASSVCACCOUNT="19CharacterPassword" /ASSVCPASSWORD="19CharacterPassword" /SAPWD="19CharacterPassword" /SQLSVCPASSWORD="19CharacterPassword"
For the most part, the cluster installation is exactly the same as the standalone SQL Server installation with the exception of a few screens in the GUI, and I would not recommend a Failover Cluster installation from the CMD prompt since you miss all the steps of whether parameters are valid for installation - unless you run CMD without the /QS parameter, which means an attended installation launched from the command link. I find this is a faster way of feeding the GUI installation procedure, and validating as you go along that the parameters actually work within the installation procedure before clicking Next (or equivalent) on each step.
Adding a node, however, is straightforward unattended and a real time-saver, NB when you add a node, you must provide again the passwords for service accounts.
---this one is when you have to add AS also on the second node
Using a Configuration file to add a second node to a cluster:
setup.exe /IACCEPTSQLSERVERLICENSETERMS /qs /ACTION="AddNode" /CONFIGURATIONFILE=βDRIVEONOTHERNODE:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Setup Bootstrap\ConfigurationFileINSTANCENAME.iniβ /AGTSVCPASSWORD=β15CharacterPassword" /ASSVCPASSWORD=β15CharacterPassword" /SQLSVCPASSWORD=β15CharacterPassword" /INDICATEPROGRESS="TRUE"
Changing Database Server Collation:, err, if you set it wrong by accident (works exclusively for standalone from my experience):
Setup /QS /ACTION=REBUILDDATABASE /INSTANCENAME="InstanceName" /INDICATEPROGRESS="TRUE" /SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS="ML\oth_mlsqldbms" "listOfAccounts" "domain\userGroup" /SAPWD="StrongPassword" /SQLCOLLATION=SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
References (for all the other options):