Next Wednesday, August 20th, at 7:30pm Central I will be presenting a webinar for the Professional VMware #vBrownBag entitled “SQL Server Virtualization for VM Admins“. The #vBrownBag webinar series covers a number of VMware-related topics, and I am very pleased to be able to present my session to the group.
This webinar goes into great detail on how virtualization professionals can stop fearing the resource consuming SQL Server platform and virtualize them as painlessly as possible. Performance data collection, host validation, proper VM design, and SQL Server configuration best practices, tips, and tricks are to be presented. Best yet, a solid approach on how to discuss virtualization with your DBAs will be presented, so that you can talk with your DBAs and get them excited about virtualizing their mission-critical database systems!
To register for this free webinar, simply click here. I look forward to seeing you on this webinar!