Blog Post

SQL Server 2008R2 BI Presenations

I recently gave a couple of presentations about the new Business Intelligence features in SQL Server 2008 R2. Here are the presentations and their PowerPoint slides.

Business Intelligence with SQL Server 2008R2 Overview

Garrett Edmondson, SQL 2008 BI MCTP MCITP

Session Level: 100

- Beginner

Audience: All

users of BI

An overview of the major SQL Server BI components and how they integrate into a wide range of BI solutions from the personal to organizational level. The following BI components will be reviewed, with a particular emphasis on the components new to R2: PowerPivot, Master Data Services, Fast Track, and Parallel Data Warehouse

SQL Server 2008 R2 Scalability to HUNDREDS of Terabytes

Garrett Edmondson, SQL 2008 BI MCTP MCITP

Session Level:

200 – Intermediate


All users of BI

Learn how SQL Server 2008R2 can scale to HUNDREDS of terabytes for BI solutions. This session will focus on Fast Track Solutions, Reference Architectures, and Parallel Data Warehousing.

I got most my slides from this Tech Ed Session.  I would highly recommend watching as many Tech Ed sessions as you can they are great resources.

Also the Best Practices as presented in the FastTrack Data Warehouse 3.0 Reference are absolutely spectacular! They can be

very valuable even if you are not going to buy a Fast Track Solution.


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