Blog Post

SQL Server 2005 Security Best Practices Whitepaper Released


Saw this first here: SQL Server 2005 Security Best Practices. It's on the blog for Microsoft UK's SQL Server Premier Field Engineers. There's also some security-related webcast information on that blog post, so check it out!

Microsoft has released a whitepaper on best practices for SQL Server 2005 security. You can find the whitepaper here:

  SQL Server 2005 Security Best Practices - Operational and Administrative Tasks

It was written by Bob Beauchemin of A lot of it is

common sense type of stuff for old hat SQL Server DBAs, but there's

coverage of Vista and the new pieces which are specific to SQL Server

2005 such as Surface Area Configuration (and transferring settings from

one server to another), what to audit (including those with CONTROL

SERVER rights), and securing schemas. It's only a 30 page document and

should be considered a must-read by anyone responsible for administering a SQL Server

2005 system.

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