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SQL Server – How to change SQL Server ERRORLOG location


By default SQL Server ERRORLOG is stored in "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\InstanceFolder\MSSQL\Log" folder. The ERRORLOG location is configured as a startup parameter for SQL Server Service.


To change the location of ERRORLOG you need to modify the startup parameter -e.

For example, if you need to move logs to C:\Logs\ then replace the startup parameter as below:

Step 1:

Replace "-eC:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.SQL2012\MSSQL\Log\ERRORLOG"

to "-eC:\Logs\ERRORLOG"

Step 2:

Restart SQL Server Service to apply changes. The ERRORLOG will be created to "C:\Logs" after SQL Server is restarted.


To change location for SQL Server Agent Logs:

Location for SQL Server Agent Log can be changed using T-SQL or SQL Server Management Studio.

Method 1: To change SQL Server Agent Log location right click on "Error Logs" node and select "Configure"


Provide new location for Log file in "Error Log File" path:


Click on "OK" and restart SQL Server Agent to apply changes.

Method 2: To change log location using T-SQL

To change log location using T-SQL you can use below code:

USE [msdb]


EXEC   msdb.dbo.sp_set_sqlagent_properties

       @errorlog_file = N'C:\Logs\SQLAGENT.OUT'


Execute this code and restart SQL Server agent to apply changes.

Hope This Helps!


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Filed under: Management Studio, SQL Agent, SQL Configuration, SQLServer, SQLServer 2005, SQLServer 2008, SQLServer 2008 R2, SQLServer 2012


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