Blog Post

SQL Saturday St. Louis was a hit


Today I spoke at the second St. Louis SQL Saturday - SQL Saturday #236 in St. Louis. This year it was held at Saint Louis University’s Center for Workforce & Organizational Development (aka the Wool Center), and the facility was perfect. Thanks go to the facility staff, event coordinators, volunteers, and attendees! The place was packed an hour before the first sessions were scheduled to start. That’s incredible!

I presented one of my performance sessions at this SQL Saturday event, entitled “It’s All About the Performance, Right?“. The slides for this presentation are available for you to download and peruse here.

The crowd in my session was fantastic. Folks were very open with their experiences and very willing to have a great conversation during the presentation. I thank you all for attending my session! I am very honored to have packed the room. I will definitely be back next year!

Next up, SQL Saturdays in New York City, Denver, and Kansas City! WOW!. I’ll see you all at these events, or if not these, then definitely at the SQL PASS Summit!



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