Blog Post

SQL Saturday Jacksonville


Well, for those of you who attended, SQL Saturday Jacksonville, was, well I’ll say it, EPIC. Between all the great sessions we had in place, your great questions and feedback and of course, Iron Chef BI bringing it home, we had a great time. Folks came from all over the state to see our Iron Chef session. Don’t worry, it’s submitted for PASS 2010 in Seattle ! Cross your fingers and let your PASS reps know that it needs to be accepted !

My session was on the new integration of SharePoint, Power Pivot and Office in 2010. Some really exciting stuff there. My proudest moment was in reading the schedule and knowing that our company, Pragmatic works was so strongly represented. Jacksonville is our backyard and I guess I should expect that, but it wasn’t just our pros and heavy hitters getting in on the action. Some of our newer speakers were getting their licks in too! Overall we had 11 of our consultants and trainers with sessions in 1 SQL Saturday. No wonder I thought it was EPIC :) .

Those of you who couldn’t make it we missed you but make sure to check out your next SQL Saturday in your area or wherever you find yourself !

Keep it Simple,



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