Blog Post

SQL Saturday in Orlando


The dates for Microsoft's TechEd 2008 are fast approaching here in North America. Sandwiched between the two weeks of this year's TechEd is the SQL Saturday Tweener, which will also be held at the Orange County Convention Center. Unfortunately, I'm not headed to TechEd this year, but if I were, I would certainly be at the SQL Saturday as well. I should note that SQL Saturday is but one of the events going on in parallel, as Joe Healy of Microsoft worked to get all of the technical communities in Florida access to the convention center over the weekend.

Having been to one of the SQL Saturdays, when I presented down in Jacksonville, I'm a believer that this kind of setup works. It's inexpensive to the attendees, it provides excellent professional development opportunities to the speakers, and it's a great and varied training day for everyone (speakers included). We'll be working to try to bring one up here in Columbia, SC. So if you've not been to one and can make it to Orlando, I'm sure it will be well worth your time!



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