Blog Post

SQL in the City Summits–Coming to New York, London, and Chicago


I love New York. Every time I get to travel to the city, I get excited and look forward to the trip. I was able to spend a night in Brooklyn earlier this year, touring a college with my daughter. Now I’m very lucky to get a second trip this year, with Redgate for a SQL in the City Summit.

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We have 3 live Summit events coming in October to a few cities: New York, London, and Chicago. These are in person events where we have presentations scheduled for customers and potential customers. These are thought provoking talks and interactive workshops, aimed a C-level and senior staff. If you’re got someone in your organization that might be interested, pass this link along:

We have Redgate speakers and expert guests, including Bob Ward of Microsoft. If you have the chance to go, contact your account rep today and get a code to register. These are paid events, though a limited number of free tickets are available.

The schedule is:

This will be a busy month of travel for me, with the PASS Summit coming the week after Chicago. It should be an inspirational and exciting set of events, and I hope to see some of your at one of these Summits.


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