Blog Post

SQL Homework – August 2017 – Create a table


If you didn’t see it last month I’ve started doing monthly SQL Homework. The first month was backups, this month it’s tables.

Here is your homework for August!

  1. Create a table with at least 3 columns.
  2. Add 5 rows to the table.
  3. Add one column to the table.
  4. Update the existing 5 rows to fill in the new column.
  5. Modify the new column to not allow NULLs.
  6. Run a query against the table, pulling the columns in reverse order.


Here is how the grading will go.
Note: If you can, and have done any/all of this recently then give yourself the points. This is about ability not necessarily doing it this time. Be sure you can do it before actually giving yourself the points though.
Note: Additional points are granted in some cases. If it says T-SQL that means you wrote the T-SQL yourself and didn’t use the GUI to generate the SQL.

  • 25 pts – Create the table. (+10 for T-SQL)
  • 10 pts – Add the rows to the table. (+5 if you can do it in a single command)
  • 10 pts – Add the column. (+5 for T-SQL)
  • 10 pts – Update the values of the new columns to not be null.
  • 10 pts – Change the new column to not allow NULLs. (+5 for T-SQL)
  • 10 pts – Run the query.

Filed under: Microsoft SQL Server, SQL Homework, SQLServerPedia Syndication, T-SQL Tagged: microsoft sql server, SQL Homework, T-SQL


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