Blog Post

Speaking at Upcoming SQL Saturday events


I’ve got a couple of speaking engagements coming up during the next few months, and a few others I’m hoping to work my way into as well.

Next month, I’ll be speaking at SQL Saturday #35 in Dallas on May 22.  This will be a unique experience since, in addition to my 2 sessions for that day, I’m one of the organizers of the event.  This SQL Saturday could be a record-breaker, as we’ve already reached our registration capacity five weeks from the event.  I’m delivering one session on beginning SSIS, and I’ll be presenting my SSIS scripting presentation again as well.

Two weeks after that, I’ll be speaking at SQL Saturday Pensacola on June 5, where I’ll be discussing SSIS Loops, Lookups, and Splits.  I presented at the first Pensacola SQLSat event last year, and found the user community in that area (throughout Florida, in fact) to be gracious and friendly, and I’m looking forward to catching up with Karla and Rodney Landrum and the whole crew.

I’m also putting in to speak at SQL Saturday Baton Rouge in August, and I also owe Patrick LeBlanc a SQL Lunch presentation which is long overdue.  Finally, since I’m temporarily leading the PASS BI Virtual Chapter, I plan to pencil myself in for a webcast for that group sometime this summer.


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