Blog Post

Speaking at SQLBits


I got an early Christmas present this year, I found out I had been selected to speak at SQLBits!  That’s what I call a gift that keeps on giving.

I have always wanted to attend SQLBits so I decided that 2019 would be the year I would finally attend.  Since I had decided to attend, I thought, “what the heck, why not submit session?  I’m going to be there anyway.”  But never in my wildest dreams did I ever expect to be selected.  I will be presenting my Profiling Your Data session.

It’s been twenty years since I was in England and I am super excited to be going back.  I have family ties to England so I added a few extra days for sight seeing.  Last time I was there I visited Malvern Link, home of the Morgan Motor Car Company, my dad’s favorite auto manufacturer.   This time I am planning a quick trip over to Liverpool so I can see where my Dad’s favorite band (and one of mine) was started, you may have heard of them, they’re called The Beatles Winking smile


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