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Speaking at Rocky Mountain Tech Trifecta 2012 on May 19


I will be presenting two sessions at the Rocky Mountain Tech Trifecta in Denver on May 19, 2012. This is an all-day, free event that is very similar to a SQLSaturday or a CodeCamp. There are a large number of great speakers at the event (which is not SQL Server only), which is being held on the Auraria Campus in downtown Denver. I will be doing DMV Emergency Room! and Hardware 301: Diving Deeper into Database Hardware. Here are the abstracts:


DMV Emergency Room!

If you have ever been responsible for a mission critical database, you have probably been faced with a high stress, emergency situation where a database issue is causing unacceptable application performance, resulting in angry users and hovering managers and executives. If this hasn’t happened to you yet, thank your lucky stars, but start getting prepared for your time in the hot seat. This session will show you how to use DMV queries to quickly detect and diagnose the problem, starting at the server and instance level, and then progressing down to the database and object level. Based on the initial assessment of the problem, different types of DMV queries will help you narrow down and identify the problem. This session will show you how to assemble and use an emergency DMV toolkit that you can use to save the day the next time a sick database shows up on your watch in the Database ER!


Hardware 301: Diving Deeper into Database Hardware

Making the right hardware selection decisions is extremely important for database scalability. Having properly sized and configured hardware can both increase application performance and reduce capital expenses dramatically. Unfortunately, there are so many different choices and options available when it comes to selecting hardware and storage subsystems, it is very easy to make bad choices based on outmoded conventional wisdom. This session will give you a framework for how to pick the right hardware and storage subsystem for your workload type. You will learn how to evaluate and compare key hardware components, such as processors, chipsets, and memory. You will also learn how to evaluate and compare different types of storage subsystems for different database workload types. This session will give you the knowledge you need to make sure you get the best performance and scalability possible from your hardware budget!

I have spoken at the Tech Trifecta several times in the past, and it has always been a good time!

Filed under: Computer Hardware, Microsoft, Teaching Tagged: Rocky Mountain Tech Trifecta


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