Blog Post

Speaking at Midlands PASS in February


On February 12th I'll be giving a SQL Server Security Refresher for Midlands PASS at Microstaff IT in Cayce/West Columbia, SC.


Register here to attend (so we know how much food to bring)


I'm dropping SQL Server 2000 from my presentations as it's end of life. We'll talk about SQL Server 2005 through SQL Server 2012. However, this isn't your standard "sit and stare" presentation. Last year I did a more interactive discussion where we explored questions on an open floor. This worked better as folks were able to discuss unique cases or firm up their understanding of SQL Server security by walking through the scenarios. I'm going to do the same thing again this year.

As to why I've been quiet, this has been intentional. Through the end of February, my speaking engagements are limited. My oldest son is a freshman in high school and he's on the wrestling team. They go pretty much 6 days out of 7 between practices and matches. I promised my children when they first started getting interested in extra-curricular activities that I would do my best to be there for every performance or event that they or there team was a part of. My oldest doesn't get into the matches much, unless there's a JV section, but we still support him and his team. Such is life as a freshman on an established team. 🙂



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