Sql Server -11 “Denali”
New Version Sql Server “11? code name “Denali” CPT1 is ready to download here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/sqlserver/default.aspx Here are experts comment and...
917 reads
New Version Sql Server “11? code name “Denali” CPT1 is ready to download here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/sqlserver/default.aspx Here are experts comment and...
917 reads
Everyone know how to uninstall sql server very easy : control panel -<Add remove programs ->sql server some times you can...
546 reads
There are different ways you can communicate to sql server: 1. Shared memory: on the local server 2. Named Pipe:...
544 reads
Schedule the backup job in Express Edition: Everyone knows that, you cannot schedule a job in Express edition, as Express...
459 reads
for Sql server 2005, It was a bug when you modify maintainance plan you may get the error “no description...
2,759 reads
When you configure the memory and on your system if other applications are also present, in such cases specially for...
462 reads
It’s been quite some time that I blog, Sorry about that I was busy with my movement from USA to...
854 reads
Important: System Objects/Views/DMV/DMF This is the some of the list of System Objects/Views/DMV/DMF. Catalog View: All system information is stored...
1,003 reads
Today while being on forum found this information so though to blog for future reference. thanx Uri Dimant for sharing...
454 reads
Introduction to Memory configuration Yesterday I was discussion with one of my friend on memory management and internals to expertise in...
681 reads
By Steve Jones
“I’m sick of hearing about Red Gate.” The first article in the book has...
By Kevin3NF
IT leaders have a lot on their plates! Budgets, staffing, security, uptime, and keeping...
Want to really level up your SQL game? I mean, go from good to great? This March...
Comments posted to this topic are about the item Dynamic T-SQL Script Parameterization Using...
Comments posted to this topic are about the item Multiple Sequences
Comments posted to this topic are about the item Using SQL Server Stored Procedures...
In SQL Server 2022, I run this code:
CREATE SEQUENCE myseqtest START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1; GO CREATE TABLE NewMonthSales (SaleID INT , SecondID int , saleyear INT , salemonth TINYINT , currSales NUMERIC(10, 2)); GO INSERT dbo.NewMonthSales (SaleID, SecondID, saleyear, salemonth, currSales) SELECT NEXT VALUE FOR myseqtest , NEXT VALUE FOR myseqtest , ms.saleyear , ms.salemonth , ms.currMonthSales FROM dbo.MonthSales AS ms; GO SELECT * FROM dbo.NewMonthSales AS nmsAssume the dbo.MonthSales table exists. If I run this, what happens? See possible answers