I recently started using OBJECT_NAME, OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME and OBJECT_ID functions; unfortunately I really could have used OBJECT_TYPE but it doesn’t exist...
1,234 reads
I recently started using OBJECT_NAME, OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME and OBJECT_ID functions; unfortunately I really could have used OBJECT_TYPE but it doesn’t exist...
1,234 reads
I recently passed my MCTS 2008 Development (70-433). Yay me! That made my 3rd 2008 certification. This one was probably the...
1,839 reads
Multiple CTEs
It’s somewhat obscure in BOL and I wasn’t able to find any examples but it turns out you can...
2012-10-11 (first published: 2012-10-09)
4,560 reads
I’ve been unable to connect to a server via one of its aliases for about a week. When I looked...
1,932 reads
I work with a reasonably large team of DBAs. There are 9 of us and we support not only 70+...
1,197 reads
I’ve always found clusters a pain in the neck. For my latest pain I just spent the last 2 days...
625 reads
A couple of days ago I read Steve Jones’ blog on creating a user defined table type. This reminded me...
1,174 reads
I recently turned on OPTIMIZE FOR AD HOC WORKLOADS for the first time on one of my servers. When I...
1,352 reads
As a database administrator I get lots of security requests. “Please grant me read authority on this table, write on that table,...
727 reads
My manager has been quietly laughing under his breath at me for years. Usually because I much prefer queries and...
4,108 reads
By Steve Jones
This is my last week of the year working (I guess I come back...
Want to seriously boost your data skills? Mastering advanced SQL is the key, whether...
By Steve Jones
This is my last week of the year working (I guess I come back...
Comments posted to this topic are about the item Function Defaults
Comments posted to this topic are about the item Big Data or Small Data
I have created this function in SQL Server 2022:
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.AddInt (@one INT, @two INT = 1) RETURNS INT AS BEGIN RETURN @one + @two ENDHow can I call this and invoke the default value for @two? See possible answers