Logging Server Reboots - What the Heck MS?
Maybe someone at MS can explain this; they have that nice dialog that comes up after a reboot where you...
1,392 reads
Maybe someone at MS can explain this; they have that nice dialog that comes up after a reboot where you...
1,392 reads
I wrote up some more notes (in addition to what's available here on the blog) to try to raise the...
1,369 reads
I had dinner with Wes Dumey and Pam Shaw from Tampa last night to share some lessons learned and hear...
1,377 reads
I've got a request in to PASS asking them to release 2 of the many sessions that were presented at...
1,329 reads
Visit the blog of Joe Healy, my favorite MS Developer Evangelist to see some pics from SQLSaturday. Joe is amazingly...
1,344 reads
You may not think of DDJ for database info and I'll admit that what they do cover is often a...
1,411 reads
A short article but interesting I think, with some good comments already. I think in general triggers are under used,...
575 reads
We were lucky enough to have Joe come to Orlando to speak at SQLSaturday and we also talked him into...
797 reads
I'm just finishing up sending out thank you emails to the volunteers, speakers, and sponsors that helped make our first...
605 reads
One of the things I discuss in my Successful Technical Speaking class (it's a
free class, usually once a quarter)...
603 reads
By Steve Jones
Redgate Monitor is growing to include more than just Microsoft SQL Server monitoring. We...
By Steve Jones
Experience is overrated. Most breakthrough accomplishments were done by people doing them for the...
By Brian Kelley
As you begin the new year, if you don't already have time set aside...
So we have local sp in which remote table is udpated.this remote query part...
So we have local sp in which remote table is udpated.this remote query part...
Hi, in my environment planning to create Replicas concept for Azure Managed Instance....
What formats of API endpoints can the Data API Builder present to clients when exposing the database?
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