Removing Identical Duplicate Rows
Deleting duplicate rows out of a table can be tricky. A brute force way to do this is with a...
2012-02-28 (first published: 2012-02-21)
4,205 reads
Deleting duplicate rows out of a table can be tricky. A brute force way to do this is with a...
2012-02-28 (first published: 2012-02-21)
4,205 reads
Here's a script from my toolbox I use to find dependencies between SQL objects. The where clause has a number...
1,034 reads
"Cannot alter a server audit from a user database. This operation must be performed in the master database."
If you're trying...
1,030 reads
Sent: Friday, January 20, 2012 10:30 AM
To: William Assaf
Subject: dba has a questionWilliam,
Can you send me references to support my contention that NOLOCK...
2012-01-24 (first published: 2012-01-21)
3,865 reads
Got stored procedure problems? I feel sorry for you son.
Here's a quick query to pull the cached execution plan out...
1,690 reads
This news may be a few months old, but it is worth noting that there is now a column called...
1,377 reads
A query that calls sys.dm_exec_requests and pulls the statement text out of the request is a handy script for any DBA's...
3,143 reads
Here's my official blog page for my presentation on SQL Server Admin Best Practices with DMV's from the Houston TechFest...
920 reads
One of the things I run into every now and then is this provincial idea that reports can and should...
1,297 reads
At the Houston TechFest 2011 Conference at the University of Houston I will be hosting a User Group Leadership Summit...
572 reads
This month, I prompted bloggers to discuss whether good enough is perfect. Thank you to all...
By Steve Jones
Recently a customer asked if SQL Compare and SQL Data Compare can be used...
I have an application team that is insisting on daily (and for some, weekly)...
i see this in the definition of a linked server on our wh sql...
Is this even possible ? Tried with grant but to no avail. [sys].[database_role_members] and...
What does this code return in SSMS 20 from SQL Server 2019?
select '|' + CHAR(0)+'abc' + '|';See possible answers