(2020-May-01) There is a current limitation in Azure Data Factory (ADF) to accept only two conditions for the OR function.You won't be able to specify the following expression to evaluate...
2020-05-19 (first published: 2020-05-01)
1,360 reads
(2020-Apr-24) Using UNION SQL operator is a very common practice to combine two or more datasets together, it helps to create a single result set from many sourcing ones. Azure Data...
2020-05-05 (first published: 2020-04-24)
412 reads
(2020-Apr-19) Creating a data solution with Azure Data Factory (ADF) may look like a straightforward process: you have incoming datasets, business rules of how to connect and change them and...
2020-04-30 (first published: 2020-04-19)
4,102 reads
(2020-Apr-06) Traditionally I would use data flows in Azure Data Factory (ADF) to flatten (transform) incoming JSON data for further processing. Recently I've found a very simple but very effective...
2020-04-14 (first published: 2020-04-06)
7,469 reads
(2020-Mar-30) Little did I know that I can use Azure Data Factory (ADF) to extract data from the Common Data Services (CDS). This data platform enables you to securely store...
2020-04-07 (first published: 2020-03-30)
7,271 reads
(2020-Mar-26) There are two ways to create data flows in Azure Data Factory (ADF): regular data flows also known as "Mapping Data Flows" and Power Query based data flows also...
2020-04-01 (first published: 2020-03-26)
1,263 reads
(2020-Mar-19) Recently, Microsoft introduced a new Flatten task to the existing set of powerful transformations available in the Azure Data Factory (ADF) Mapping Data Flows - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-factory/data-flow-flatten.What this new task does...
2020-03-26 (first published: 2020-03-19)
8,256 reads
(2020-Mar-15) Video recording of my webinar session on Using Azure Data Factory Mapping Data Flows to populate Data Vault at the recent PASS Data Architecture Virtual Group meeting.It was based...
2020-03-24 (first published: 2020-03-15)
464 reads
(2020-Feb-04) I didn't name this blog post as "Performance Tips" since I'm just creating the list of helpful notes for myself for tuning the performance of my workload with delta...
2020-02-14 (first published: 2020-02-04)
2,307 reads
(2020-Jan-28) This blog post is a followup to my previous post about DevOps (CI/CD) for Azure Data Factory - Continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) in Azure Data Factory using DevOps and...
2020-02-04 (first published: 2020-01-28)
3,441 reads