(2020-Dec-21) While working with Azure Functions that provide a serverless environment to run my computer program code, I’m still struggling to understand how it actually works. Yes, I admit, there...
2020-12-31 (first published: 2020-12-21)
447 reads
(2020-Oct-14) Ok, here is my problem: I have an Azure Data Factory (ADF) workflow that includes an Azure Function call to perform external operations and returns output result, which in...
2020-10-23 (first published: 2020-10-15)
1,113 reads
(2020-Oct-05) Adding a row number to your dataset could a trivial task. Both ANSI and Spark SQL have the row_number() window function that can enrich your data with a unique...
2020-10-12 (first published: 2020-10-05)
7,827 reads
(2020-Sep-26) Last week one of my Azure Data Factory (ADF) deployment pipelines failed with an error that it couldn’t find some of the deployment parameters that I try to override,...
2020-10-05 (first published: 2020-09-26)
708 reads
(2020-Sep-13) Array of arrays, in a JSON world, it’s a very common concept to have a set of sets of other elements in a dataset. Despite how strange it may...
2020-09-21 (first published: 2020-09-14)
16,298 reads
(2020-Aug-14) Setting default values for my parameters or variables in Azure Data Factory (ADF) may be a trivial task, but it gets more interesting when those elements are Arrays....
2020-08-25 (first published: 2020-08-14)
9,679 reads
(2020-July-29) There is a well known and broadly advertised message from Microsoft that Azure Data Factory (ADF) is a code-free environment to help you to create ...
2020-08-07 (first published: 2020-07-29)
957 reads
(2020-June-22) It's a noble act to develop a very cool database solution that will bring value to your customers. In addition to this, you can help...
2020-07-07 (first published: 2020-06-22)
2,094 reads
(2020-May-24) It has never been my plan to write a series of articles about how I can work with JSON files in Azure Data Factory (ADF). While working with one...
2020-06-09 (first published: 2020-05-24)
8,198 reads