Blog Post

Some Good SQL-Related YouTube Videos


A brief discussion and links to a series of YouTube videos from Stéphane Faroult.

I’ll continue the discussion of the table dictionary tomorrow. Today I’m sharing an informative and funny short series of youtube videos I found from Stéphane Faroult:

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

The videos are humorous, thought provoking, and informative. The humorous nature of the discussion and the visuals he uses are important as these aspects make the information memorable. Keep in mind he’s presenting worst-practices to illustrate what best-practices are.

In the 3 videos, my favorite part was in video 2, starting at the 5 minute point with his shopping analogy. The point he’s making can be so true. I’ll share an example similar to this I found at BPS in a future post.

I hope you find the videos as interesting as I did!


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