Blog Post

Small Data SF 2024


I have often made an effort to attend conferences in the past to grow my career. Even today, when I speak at a conference, I’ll try to go to a few sessions and learn something, but I can be distracted. It’s rare I focus on just learning stuff without other responsibilities.

I’m at Small Data today and tomorrow doing precisely that. I’m just an attendee, and today is a couple of workshops for me with a variety of talks tomorrow. It’s a real career growth opportunity for me and I’m excited. I’m doing the Data Warehousing and Design workshops today and sitting in sessions all day tomorrow.

I can’t remember where I heard of this conference, but when I saw the manifesto and sessions, I was intrigued. There were tentative plans this week for me to do a customer visit, but when that got delayed, I jumped on the opportunity to visit San Fran and learn something.

As I’ve worked with a lot of customers, I see the value of small data sets providing lots of agility for teams, while also allowing them to get work done, as long as the data sets are relevant and representative. That’s a big part of me pushing the Subsetter at Redgate.

In this case, the conference focuses more on analytics and AI, and likely more developers than DBAs, but I think it’s a chance to get different perspectives, maybe learn a few things, and perhaps get others to see my data viewpoint in the hallways discussions.

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