As you might be aware I started a new job last week. Which means a new workstation and installing lots of tools. My new lead suggested that I try out a program called Chocolatey. Chocolatey is a software management solution that you can use through Powershell. Installing it on my workstation was pretty simple and took me something like 5 minutes. From there I installed Powershell Core, DbaTools, SQL Server Management Studio, and Azure Data Studio in 4 simple commands. The –yes just means that I don’t want to have to deal with prompts and just plan on accepting them all.
choco install powershell-core --yes
choco install dbatools --yes
choco install sql-server-management-studio --yes
choco install azure-data-studio --yes
And then every now and again when I want to make sure everything is up to date I can just run this:
choco upgrade all
And that will check for updates on all of the pieces of code that I’ve downloaded before using Chocolatey. Obviously, there is a lot more to this program than just installing a couple of programs and keeping them updated but even this little bit of the program is really useful.