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Seattle SQL Pro Workshop 2017


Seattle SQL Pro Workshop 2017

October is a great time of year for the SQL Server and Data professional. There are several conferences but the biggest happens to be in the Emerald City – Seattledb_resuscitate

Some friends and I have come together the past few years to put on an extra day of learning leading up to this massive conference. We call it the Seattle SQL Pro Workshop. I have created an Eventbrite page with all the gory details here.

That massive conference I have mentioned – you might have heard of it as well. It is called PASS Summit and you can find out a wealth of info from the website. Granted there are plenty of paid precon events sanctioned by PASS, we by no means are competing against them. We are trying to supplement the training and offer an extra avenue to any who could not attend the paid precons or who may be in town for only part of the day on Tuesday.

This year, we have a collision of sorts with this event. We are holding the event on Halloween – Oct 31, 2017. With it being Halloween, we welcome any who wish to attend the workshop in FULL costume.

So, what kinds of things will we cover at the event? I am glad you asked. Jimmy May will be there to talk about IO. Gail Shaw will be talking about the Query Optimizer (QO). Louis (Dr. SQL) will be taking us deep into Hierarchies. Andy Leonard will be exploring BIML and Wayne Sheffield will be showing us some SQL Injection attacks.

That is the 35,000 foot view of the sessions. You can read more about them from the EventBrite listing – HERE. What I do not yet have up on the is what I will be discussing.

My topic for the workshop will be hopefully something as useful and informative as the cool stuff everybody else is putting together. I will be sharing some insights about a tool from our friends over at Red-Gate that can help to change the face of the landscape in your development environments. This tool as illustrated so nicely by my Trojan Sheep, is called SQL Clone.

I will demonstrate the use of this tool to reduce the storage footprint required in Dev, Test, Stage, QA, UAT, etc etc etc. Based on client case study involving a 2TB database, we will see how this tool can help shrink that footprint to just under 2% – give or take. I will share some discoveries I met along the way and I even hope to show some internals from the SQL Server perspective when using this technology (can somebody say Extended Events to the Rescue?).

Why Attend?

Beyond getting some first rate training from some really awesome community driven types of data professionals, this is a prime opportunity to network with the same top notch individuals. These people are more than MVPs. They are truly technical giants in the data community.

This event gives you an opportunity to learn great stuff while at the same time you will have the chance to network on a more personal level with many peers and professionals. You will also have the opportunity to possibly solve some of your toughest work or career related problems. Believe me, the day spent with this group will be well worth your time and money!

Did I mention that the event is Free (with an optional paid lunch)?

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