Blog Post

Removing a LocalDB Instance


Another post for me that is simple and hopefully serves as an example for people trying to get blogging as #SQLNewBloggers.

This might be obvious and easy, but I spent a couple minutes learning how to remove a LocalDB instance.

I tried to use remote, but that didn’t work:

2022-03-03 09_17_39-C__Windows_System32_cmd.exe

There error reminded me that in my day, most commands use –? or /? to get help. A lot of CLIs these days use –help (two dashes). That doesn’t work here. But /? does.

2022-03-03 09_18_33-C__Windows_System32_cmd.exe

This shows me the delete option is the one to use. I tried that, but I needed to stop the instance.

2022-03-03 09_19_55-C__Windows_System32_cmd.exe

Running stop and then delete allowed this to succeed.

2022-03-03 09_20_51-C__Windows_System32_cmd.exe

SQL New Blogger

After writing a previous post, which took me 10 minutes or so, I went to clean up my environment. I realized this was easy, but also worth a post about how I learned this.

Just 5 minutes. You could write posts like this to further your knowledge and help your career.

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