Blog Post

Regression Testing SQL Saturday Naming


I started a poll today on the naming for future SQL Saturdays. You can answer here:

The current votes (51 votes) look like this:

2021-04-09 12_11_07-TweetDuck

That’s interesting, as I was going to restart at 1020. 1019 (Singapore) was the highest number of an event that took place. I also had a suggestion to start at 2001, as a way of showing the SQL Saturday 2.0, though this is really a 4.0 in how the brand/franchise has evolved.

A couple interesting suggestions from people are:

  • SQL Saturday <city>
  • SQL Saturday <city> <year>
  • SQL Saturday <location> <year> <season if needed>

One of the things I am thinking about is multiple events in a city each year. While this might not be the norm, or even sustainable every year, we have had this happen. Denver and Atlanta have had two events, though one was named the “BI Edition”.

PASS had rules against multiple events, and many organizers might not want to do this, but some may. We want to accommodate, not dictate, the different choices that groups or locations might choose to make.

Regression Testing

What if we regression test a few of these ideas and see what this might have looked like in the past. I selected a few events from the past, just to see what this might look like:

  • SQLSaturday #734 – Dallas
  • SQLSaturday #733 – Atlanta
  • SQLSaturday #647 – Boston – BI Edition
  • SQLSaturday #673 – Denver
  • SQLSaturday #665 – Bucuresti
  • SQLSaturday #637 – Cape Town
  • SQLSaturday #632 – Cambridge
  • SQLSaturday #652 – Atlanta
  • SQLSaturday #583 – Lisbon
  • SQLSaturday #603 – Dallas – BI Edition
  • SQLSaturday #596 – Denver – BI Edition
  • SQLSaturday #585 – Boston

What if we went with just the city and year. We’ve have:

If we added some season, and removed the “BI Edition”, we could have:

Or perhaps:

Or with Editions (added a few fake ones)

Or a combination

If you look at these, which looks good? Answer my poll, and give a response as well. A comment here or on Twitter/LinkedIn.

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